Aden Islamic Bank - About

About us

بنك عدن للتمويل الاصغر :

working to improve live hood of our customers through financing services in various Islamic financing for all micro, small and medium productive projects, in a way that helps to develop these projects, reduce unemployment and actively contribute to the development of society and the national economy. We also provide banking services that meet the needs of our customers.

Our Vision:

  1. Pioneering financial inclusion.
  2. Innovative financial and non-financial solutions.
  3. Building partnerships with the community and service providers.

Our Mission :

  1. Innovative and sustainable financial and non-financial services.
  2. Work with the methodology and policy of deployment to meet the needs of customers in rural and urban / locally and internationally.
  3. Community development for value chain development in micro, small and medium enterprises.

Our Goals :

  1. Building partnerships and providing the best solutions to connect donors, financial institutions, entrepreneurs and beneficiaries.
  2. Community development by supporting women and youth projects.
  3. Providing financing products and green economy projects based on market needs.
  4. Integrated digital intervention to develop and expand local value chains and supply.
  5. Provide digital and spatial deployment to serve customers from anywhere and at any time.
  6. Facilitate all beneficiaries' and customers' transactions related to disbursement through fixed exchange mechanism, field exchange, cash transfers and door to door.

Our Core Values:

  1. Trust:
  2. Mutual trust between us and our partners and clients who have a side in promoting our strategies, including development, implementation, learning and inspiration for the future.

  3. Integrity and Transparency:
  4. We follow standards of transparency, integrity, participation in decision making, with our partners and clients.

  5. Continuous Learning and improvement:
  6. All of our corporate culture is based on the development that we derive from the recommendations of our customers, our experiences in the market and the mutual influence with our partners, and thus all these experiences and influences are reflected on our plans and products.